Build Back Better” – A chance to start over

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Pray for One Another –

whether we gather online, masked or at a distance, we are Christ’s Church and called to be His Church to One Another and to our World.

While we might feel like retreating until COVID “blows over,” our world needs our friendship, our care  – and our reason for hope!

COVID is not an excuse to retreat but an opportunity to serve others in Christ’s Name.

How would God use you and your church to bless and serve others in this time of COVID?

“Build Back Better”- A chance to start over…
I don’t know about you, but every time I hear the phrase “build back better” used by our Provincial Government, by our Prime Minister or by the President of our neighbours to the south, I cringe. I always associate this overused phrase with a political agenda that is going to add significantly to our growing national and provincial debts.  I do concede, however, that there can also be a positive side to the phrase…

In my forty years of ministry, I have experienced and survived many trends, fads and changes in how one ministers and “does” church.

Most of this has focused on methodology and organization. While much of this has been good, the emphasis has been on the “what we do’s” of ministry rather than on the “why we do it” of ministry.

With COVID shutdowns and restrictions, we have not been able to do much of what we have always done and perhaps have taken for granted. We have had to preach to a camera or to a masked gathering rather than to a live and responsive congregation. Worship has often been either “canned” or led remotely, and we have joined in remotely by singing into muted microphones on our computers.

Such musings focus on what we can no longer do (at least for now), and we may find ourselves wishing to get back to the “good old days” – even if they were not that good…What would it mean for our churches to, “build back better?”

Let’s ask, “When we are able, why would we desire to meet?” What can we not do effectively remotely, and what do we do best by meeting together? How does this further our task of making and growing disciples? During COVID restrictions, we have a great opportunity to rethink church – why we meet and how we prioritize our time and ministries.  I believe that as we move forward, we have opportunity to focus more on gathering as the “Body of Christ” and fostering mutual ministry rather than simply assembling an audience.

Others have been musing and reflecting on ministry as well. David Putman, in his article, “4 Changes I’d Make If I Could Start Ministry Over,”reflects on his years of church planting ministry and the lessons he has learned.  One of them is that he would “focus on being the church, not simply doing church,” and this is a lesson all of us have the opportunity to learn as well. Here is the link:  4-changes-id-make-if-i-could-start-ministry-over

As we find our way through this season of COVID, let’s seize the opportunity to reflect, to refocus and even, if I might say, “build back better.” May we and our churches be better for the opportunity brought through a pandemic. God never wastes an opportunity!
I’m speaking to you out of deep gratitude for all that God has given me, and especially as I have responsibilities in relation to you. Living then, as every one of you does, in pure grace, it’s important that you not misinterpret yourselves as people who are bringing this goodness to God. No, God brings it all to you. The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us, not by what we are and what we do for him.

In this way we are like the various parts of a human body. Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. The body we’re talking about is Christ’s body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. But as a chopped-off finger or cut-off toe we wouldn’t amount to much, would we? So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t.

(Romans 12:3-5 The Message)

Bill C-4

By now, most of us have become aware of Bill C-4, a bill passed unanimously by all parties in Canadian Parliament and also  the Senate. This bill bans what is known as “Conversion Therapy.”

As the legislation is both new and rather ambiguous, it is hard to know just how to respond to it at this time. The great concern is that because the Bill is ambiguous, it can be subject to interpretation, and the fear is that this could possibly be used in an effort to muzzle Christians and others of faith and conviction.

A number of evangelical organizations are studying this Bill and will be providing some guidance and resources in the near future.

One of these is the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC). Here is a link to their statement on Bill C-4: bill-c4-conversion-therapy-ban-passes-the-senate/

Another is the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC): 2021/Federal-conversion-therapy-bill-passes

Karen and I have been engaged with and supporting Journey Canada, an evangelical ministry that ministers to people with same-sex-attraction, etc. They are taking some time out to study and respond to Bill C-4, and we hope will report soon as well. They do not support or engage in Conversion Therapy, but instead assist people to lead godly and Christ-like lives, whatever their orientation. This may mean celibacy. Nevertheless, the Vancouver Sun featured a story in which a Journey Canada was inaccurately accused of engaging in conversion therapy. This illustrates how the definition and application of this bill is subject to interpretation conversion-therapy-alive-and-well-in-b-c-despite-countrywide-ban-taking-effect-expert

Some Christian organizations have been quick to draw conclusions as to the intent and repercussions of the Bill, but because it is so broad and unclear, I would caution about being dragged into a rapid response that may misrepresent the Bill as it will be practiced.

I would encourage that we continue to be vigilant, and to pray for those in the EFC and CCCC who are serving the Evangelical Community. We will be sure to keep you posted as we learn more.

At the end of  the day, it is God who brings both transformation and change, not us. May God continue His good work in each one – and we will give Him praise.  Preach Christ!


There are no new mandates for churches this week. Please see the ongoing policies for worship services : covid-19/info/restrictions#new


Mask Mandate: Masks are required for all indoor settings including faith services.   The mask is required for everyone 5 years  of age and older, and includes choirs.  Masks can be removed to speak or pray up front if social distancing is maintained, or for communion.


Gathering and Events: Faith Services must now limit capacity to 50% of seating capacity unless the church decides to require everyone in attendance to provide proof of vaccine.  In calculating seating capacity it would be wise to use the load occupancy of the facility in which  the service will be held.  (This number is the seating capacity, as determined by the Fire Marshal, and posted in your church). This number will in most cases be higher than the number of seats you have set up in your church.


Here is the information from the BC Centre for Disease Control:

Here is a link to the Provincial Health Orders on Masks, as updated on Monday, December 6:

Please check our LPD Website to keep up to date with the latest regulations and protocols:
For personal assistance regarding COVID Policy and the Canadian Recovery Hiring Program (CHRP) and COVID Protocols, please contact Josephine at our district office.

Address: 9612 152nd Street
Surrey BC V3R 4G4
Office Hours: Monday to Wednesday 9 - 3 pm
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