Lest We Forget…or Be Forgotten

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Lest We Forget …or be forgotten


On Thursday, November 11, Karen and I will join with millions of other Canadians to pause, remember and give thanks for those who have served our country in preserving our freedom in World Wars, the Korean War, and in more recent days, Afghanistan and other areas of conflict. It is also a day where I will miss my dad – a veteran of WWII, who served for four years in the Canadian Artillery and the Canadian Intelligence Corp. In my parent’s latter years, I would drive and accompany them to the cenotaph in White Rock for the Remembrance Day ceremony. Though dad, being humble as he was, would protest, mom would insist on him wearing his service medals, and would pin them to his overcoat each year.



Dad, like most vets did not speak a lot about the war. He was fortunate to have served and to have not suffered harm, but he and mom knew several who did not return and others whose lives were forever altered by injury to body and/or mind. Freedom had come at a great price!





I recall stories of my grandfather, who served in the Royal Navy on a British minesweeper in WWI, narrowly escaping death as his ship was blown out of the water, and from a great uncle who spent much of the same war in captivity as a prisoner of war. Both spoke of the devastation of war and of the loss of friends and loved ones.


As I have served as executor for my mother, who passed away almost four years ago, I have had to sort through a lot of things. These include awards of excellence, certificates and  degrees, trophies, and yes, my dad’s medals. It is hard to know what to do with some of these things. While they were meaningful to my parents and a reflection of their accomplishments and service, most of these things hold no monetary value and will not be appreciated by others. Many of these I have ended up disposing of and even recycling.

What is more significant to me is the legacy that my parents and others have left to us – a godly heritage and influence and a witness to the love and faithfulness of God.

On my parents’ headstone is Matthew 5:16, which reads:

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. 

In my study in the Word on Thursday AM, I underlined 1 John 2:17, which reads, The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.”


What a good reminder of what life is all about – so much of what we value. pursue and hold dear is really fleeting. In the end, it is our legacy of service, not our ledger of possessions that will matter. So with us as we remember those who have served and sacrificed next week. Though it has been more than 75 years since our last World War and many of us may not personally know someone who served for the cause of our freedom, we are all beneficiaries of what they have done. Thanks dad, granddad and all those who gave years of their lives, if not their lives themselves for our freedom.

As we gather for worship this first Sunday of the month, many of our churches will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper. We will remember and give thanks for the sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Celebrating the Lord’s Supper is more than simply remembering Christ’s death; it is a thankful celebration of the legacy of his death on the cross, by which He paid the penalty for our sin in full. We are forever thankful and indebted beneficiaries of this. Not only is this true, but our Lord is also a risen Lord. Because He has risen, we are people of great hope and our service for the Lord is not in vain (1 Cor. 15:58).

In the  imagery of Colossians 2:13-15, the Apostle Paul makes reference to the familiar sight of the day, where the crime of the condemned would be written on a sign tacked to the cross on which they were crucified. Here, he  pictures a “sign” tacked on to the cross of Christ, but on this was written all of your sins and mine, and the penalty for these was paid in full by Christ. Through Christ, we have fellowship with our Holy God, and in Christ, we have fellowship with one another!

We are beneficiaries of what Christ has done!

Have you given thought to the legacy of your life, and who will be the beneficiaries of the investments you have made with your life, time, gifts and resources? As I round the final lap of this ministry as superintendent, I certainly do. Though we may soon be forgotten, by God’s grace, may the legacy of our lives and faith live on for and benefit generations to come.

Gordon MacDonald once shared the following poem:
Lord, as I grow older, I think I would rather be known as …
-thoughtful, rather than gifted,
-loving, versus quick or bright,
-gentle, over being powerful,
-a listener, more than a great communicator,
-available, rather than a hard worker,
-sacrificial, instead of successful,
-reliable, not famous,
-content, more than driven,
-self-controlled, rather than exciting,
-generous, instead of rich,
-and compassionate, more than competent,
I want to be a foot-washer.

Here is a thoughtful article from Ed Stetzer that challenges us to both age gracefully and to lead appropriately through the seasons of life.





The BC Centre for Disease Control and BC Ministry of Health continue to state that:

“Worship services are exempt from both the provincial mask mandate that requires mask use in indoor public spaces and the requirement to provide proof of immunization against COVID-19 to access some events, services and businesses. However, faith leaders are supported to implement these additional measures in their in-person services should they desire to do so.”

Here is the full document: http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/community-settings/faith-based-spiritual-and-worship-practices

While we will welcome all who attend, please be both considerate and mindful of those who are either compromised and/or specially cautious regarding COVID. Wearing a mask can be an act of servanthood to brothers and sisters who feel vulnerable to COVID.

For current information, please visit our LPD Website under the COVID-19 Safety Tab: https://www.lpd-efcc.ca/covid-19/   Thanks to Josephine for keeping us up to date!

Important News regarding the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and  the Canadian Recovery Hiring Program (CHRP).
The Federal Government announced that the CEWS Program would end on October 23.

Here is a quick summary:

  1. CEWS ended on Oct 23rd which means this month will be the last one.
  2. CRHP(Canadian Recovery Hiring Program) will continue at this time with a small increase in funds available https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/subsidy/recovery-hiring-program.html

For personal assistance, please contact Josephine at our district office



Upcoming LPD Events:

Dessert Night for Pastors and Their Spouses
– for mainland pastors and spouses
Friday, December 3 at Johnston Heights Church in Surrey.
(Islanders meet up on November 16)
Throughout COVID, we have all had to limit our contact with others. Please plan to join us for an evening of fellowship with colleagues in ministry.
Please watch for the online sign-up in mid- November.

LPD Annual Conference


March 4,5 2021

– at Mill Lake Church in Abbotsford


please mark your calendars – details will follow




Please Support our LPD Missionaries:


Here is the link to their information and how to support them:


Please remember all of our LPD Missionaries (and all missionaries) at this time.




LPD Missionaries:


Daniel and Joyce Wong (Steveston Project)
Allen and Hannah Chang (Steveston Project)
Jorge and Emily Lin (Church of All Nations/New West EFC)
Noel and Lynda Macasaet (New Living Assembly)
Jonathan and Harmony Ng (Inner City Ministry)
Steve and Gillian Sharpe (Missionary of Church Planting Development)

Dan and Sharon Williams (Osoyoos Project) – see newsletter below

 Nathan and Amber Kinsey (Winsome Games)



Please pray for:

  • Those managing and recovering from COVID in various churches. Though vaccinations are up, it seems that active cases of COVID in our midst are up as well. Please pray for one another through this season.
  • Karen and me as we minister at Richmond Chinese EFC this weekend. We are thankful for what God is doing and look forward to conducting the installation of Senior Pastor Wong Tin Yat, and his wife Dr. Kim Lai Ng. Welcome to Canada and to the LPD/EFCC Family!
  • Rev. Dr. Paul and  JinGyung Yang. Paul is serving as Vice Chancellor/Chief Executive Officer of Eswatini Medical Christian University in Swaziland. Pray for them in the midst of unrest in the country.
  • LPD Churches ministering in the midst of this new season of ministry in the context of changing COVID policies.
  • The LPD Board and our Succession Committee, as they seek the Lord for the next superintendent of the Lower Pacific District. Pray also for Karen and me, that we will serve well and effectively as we ready the district for transition.
  • Joel and Ingrid Chiri were a part of the Rock Christian Fellowship in Ladysmith and are in Paraguay as EFCCM Missionaries.
  • The Church of All Nations, and for church planting missionaries Jorge and Emily Lin. Pray also for Japanese fellowship  Pastor Jooyong Park  and his wife, You Jeung Kim, as they partner in this new work.
  • Henry and Kim Ngugi, EFCCM Missionaries to Kenya. Here is the link to their website: https://movedchurch.org/
  • Pastor Tom and Sandi Ford and family. Tom has required further surgery and awaits tests that will determine his eligibility for a kidney transplant. Here is the link to the GoFundMe Campaign for Tom and his family: https://www.gofundme.com/f/2020-care-package-for-the-ford-family
  • Nathan and Amber Kinsey. Nathan (Coach K), LPD Missionary, leading Winsome Games. We are thankful for a fruitful summer of ministry.
  • Our LPD Board. Board members are Randy Lemke (Allana) – Chair, Bill Steller (Colleen) – Director of Property and Finance, Ben Crumback (Anna) – Island Liaison, Tim Stewart (Emily) – Innovative Ministries, Sang Hyun (Sam) Cho (Eun Young) – Korean Church Liaison, Johnny Mak (Daisy) – Chinese Church Liaison, Dan Splinter (Carla) – Vice-Chair and Church Chair Liaison, Rob Stewart (Karen) – D.S. and Josephine Papp, LPD Director of Church Support – Recording Secretary.





Address: 9612 152nd Street
Surrey BC V3R 4G4
Office Hours: Monday to Wednesday 9 - 3 pm
We are a district of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada – 
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