O Canada! or O, Canada … Canada at 152

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Quadra Island Bible Church

– our LPD Church of the Week

Thanks to Anna (Ben) Crumback at Sointula Community Church for producing the Church of the Week!

Quadra Island has always been a special place for me. I grew up with stories told by my mother who, as a child immigrant from Scotland in 1923, moved to Cape Mudge on Quadra Island, as her father/my grandfather fished out of Quathiaska Cove.

My grandfather had fished the North Sea off Scotland, until he joined the Royal Navy, to serve in WWI. Unemployed after the war, he and his extended family came to Canada in hope of a new life and new opportunities.

While on Quadra, my mother attended Sunday School, where she heard the Gospel and was nourished as a young Christian. She went on with the Lord in her life, but sadly, the little church lost its way, and while they would identify as Christian, the denomination to which they belong is open to all faiths, or even no faith at all.

Quadra Island Bible Church, our LPD Church of the Week, has been birthed out of the need for the Gospel to be both proclaimed and lived on Quadra Island. They have a history of people coming to faith and going on to live for the Lord, and even in this time of pastoral transition and search, people have been coming to faith. Please pray for them, as they seek to discern God’s leading as they consider a possible pastoral candidate. 


O Canada, or O, Canada! 

Recently, while out for a walk in Penticton, I came across the sign pictured below:

What a difference punctuation can make!

While true for us grandpas, it can also be true for our nation. O Canada – or O, Canada!

I am so thankful for our country and to be a Canadian – O Canada! I also grieve for our nation, and the lostness I observe every day – O, Canada.

As we celebrate our nation’s 152nd birthday, a recent survey by Wayfairer Travel, is headlined, “Canada is officially the most spiritual country in the world.”

At first glance, this is something to celebrate – O Canada!

On the other hand, it is a matter for concern, as the survey results speak more of compromise than conviction – O, Canada!

The study is called the “Global Spirituality Index: Ranking the World’s Most Spiritual Countries,” and it states, “Canada was crowned as the most spiritual country in the world after ranking highly for quality of life and religious diversity as well as religious freedom, religious tolerance, spiritual sights and wellness.”

While not a definitive survey, it does provide a snapshot of our nation. Here is the link:


While we are thankful for religious freedom and tolerance, we Canadians are not known for our religious conviction. Much like the journey of the little church my mother attended as a child, our nation’s values of freedom and tolerance, for many people, make religious conviction seem to be a negative thing.

In this age of loose and self-defined “spirituality,” it may seem that the church might struggle for relevance. The Gospel is just as good news as ever, and Christ has promised to build his Church.

Dan Reilland, in a recent article, “Five Reasons Why the Church is Not Irrelevant,” provides some words of counsel and encouragement to all. Here is the link:



Please take some time to review this article – while the Church remains central in God’s plan – we also need to be relevant and purposeful in our ministry and mission.

Who’s Who in the LPD?

I am thankful for our Lower Pacific District Board. With thirty-four churches, two church plants and seven church planting missionaries, our plate is full, and there is much more that I can see to as district superintendent.

Our district board is composed of seven volunteers, as well as myself and our LPD Office Administrator, Josephine Papp.

Ben (Anna) Crumback serves as our Island Church Liaison, and reaches out to pastors and churches on Vancouver Island, Quadra Island and Malcolm Island, where he and Anna live and serve as pastor of Sointula Community Church.


Ben and Anna came to the West Coast, or should I say, came back to the West Coast in 2011. Though they came to us from Fox Creek, Alberta, Ben grew up on the West Coast, and he would travel with his father by boat to Sointula and other communities, as his dad ministered with North American Indigenous Mission. Anna knew Sointula, as growing up, she would camp and fish with her parents at Telegraph Cove, near Port McNeil and Sointula.

Ben and Anna love the people of Sointula Community Church and Malcolm Island, and as a rural pastor, he in many ways serves as a chaplain to the Island. We know that they are loved and appreciated by their church family, and God is using them and their ministry in  a special way.

Please pray for them as they serve, both in their church and with us in the LPD! We are thankful for them,  and I deeply appreciate his ministry alongside.

Please pray for:

  • Our nation, our mission field. We are blessed to live in Canada, of all countries in the world, but increasingly the people of our nation is in need of hearing the Good News! May we be salt and light to our nation.
  • Joshua and Nicole Fast, new Children’s Ministry Intern at Parkdale EFC, who is also now a LPD Missionary, as he begins “Priceless Youth Ministries, a ministry to families of special needs children/youth. Pray for their son, Malachai, as he recovers from surgery he underwent on June 5.
  • The Steveston Project Team – Allen and Hannah Chang and Daniel and Joyce Wong. Pray for them, as they lead this developing work of God, and give thanks for the lives being touched through the Gospel. Pray for our Advisory Team, as we meet on June 26.
  • New Westminster EFC. Pray for Transitional Pastor Ralph (Karen) Hardy and Church Planters Jorge (Emily) Lin this church family, as they seek the Lord for the “new” work.
  • To and Sandy Ford and family, as he awaits transplants, made necessary through the impact of his diabetes.
  • Quadra Island Bible Church, as they seek the Lord in their pastoral search. They are interviewing a potential candidate, and we trust God to guide all in this process.
  • Christ Community Church is considering options for pastoral ministry for the future.
  • Carl Lindstrom, a faithful member and volunteer at New Westminster EFC, who has aggressive prostate cancer. Praise the Lord that he is responding well to chemotherapy.
  • LPD Board. Board members are Randy Lemke (Allana) – Chair, Patrick Chan (Sarah) – Property and Finance, Ben Crumback (Anna) – Island Liaison, Charles Labun (Carolyn) – Church Board Liaison, Rob Stewart (Karen) – D.S., Tim Stewart (Emily) – Innovative Ministries, Paul Yang (Jin) – Korean Church Liaison; Phil Yung (Grace) – Church Planting and Josephine Papp, LPD Office Administrator – Recording Secretary. Please pray for provision of a Chinese Church Liaison.
  • Steve (Gillian) Sharpe, in his ministry as LPD Missionary of Church Planting Development, serving both our LPD Missionaries and Church Plants, and church planting in the EFCC.

Upcoming Events:

“Arise Ministers Conference”

We are thankful for Pastor Sammy Kabyemera (Eva), who pastors Jesus Grace International Church, a church in Vancouver. Sammy, Eva and their six children came to Canada as refugees from Congo, via an Ugandan Refugee Camp.

While their church ministers primarily to African Immigrants, they retain a heart for the people and church of Africa. Sammy is troubled by the spread of the “prosperity gospel” in Africa, and is burdened to see that pastors are grounded in the Word of God and equipped to teach and guide God’s people.

Sammy is trusting God to travel to Africa for a mission trip to train and equip African Pastors through a conference that he has been asked to speak at. Please see the attached email, to learn more of this conference, and the need in Africa, and how we can support this important ministry to brothers and sisters in Africa.  


Please prayerfully consider giving towards this mission



August 5-10

This local summer camp is affiliated with the Lower Pacific District, and provides a great opportunity to extend your church ministry through camp, and to follow up afterwards. Many district families, including ours have benefited through this ministry, both in the children’s camp and leadership development in the LTD program. This summer, there is a children’s camp (Aug. 5-10), a teen camp and the LTD Leadership Program. Check out their website for details:



LPD/EFCC Pastor and Staff Orientation

All pastors staff and interested volunteers are welcome too this opportunity to learn about the history, ethos, doctrine and ministries of the EFCC. Orientation is a requirement for all persons seeking credentialing in the EFCC, and is valuable for everyone in EFCC churches.


You can register online at:


LPD Pastor and Spouse Retreat

Nov. 22-24, 2019

Hello LPD pastors, we’d like to invite you to join us on Nov. 22-24, 2019 for a Pastors’ retreat!  We’d like to encourage you to take a breather in late November (before Advent begins) with your fellow pastors at Camp Charis in Chilliwack.

Registration is open on our LPD Website. Please see:

Address: 9612 152nd Street
Surrey BC V3R 4G4
Office Hours: Monday to Wednesday 9 - 3 pm
We are a district of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada – 
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