Things Are Just Not the Same…

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Town  + Field Church
– our LPD Church of the Week
Town + Field Church was known for many years to us as “Langley Evangelical Free Church.” It was originally named “Langley Prairie Evangelical Free Church” when birthed in the late 1940s, a recognition of the then rural nature of Langley. The property was purchased through a step of faith by Pastor Bill and Josephine Johnson, who were  pastoring New Westminster EFC at the  time.  Bill used the funds saved to pay expenses for the anticipated birth of their second child as a down payment on the land. By God’s grace and providence, both the child and the church were born safely!

A change of name has not simply been for the sake of change, but reflects both its heritage and its mission. “Town” represents the roots of the church in what was once the town of Langley. It also represents the heart of the church to be a community in which everyone belongs. “+” represents the cross of Christ, and that Good News in Christ is preached. “Field” is the mission, to go from the church to the mission field of the local community and the world.

We are thankful for Town + Field Church, for their Lead Pastor Ryan and Talasi Guerra, the pastoral team and the many volunteers who serve together in their mission of “Joining God in restoring all things – in our lives and in our world.” Their website is:
Things are just not the same…
As I write this article on Remembrance Day, I am thinking that today is not like the Remembrance Days of the past. With today’s services being online, I miss the walk to the North Delta cenotaph. I miss my dad, and our times together at the Remembrance Day service in White Rock. Things are just not the same…

We have all had such experiences, when we have hopes that a return to a special place or event will bring back those special feelings that we associate with that place, that day or that event, only to find that things have changed, and it just isn’t the same. People have changed. We have changed. Places have changed.

You may find yourself feeling this way in our “return” to live church in recent months. Have you found yourself thinking, “Things are just not the same?” Town + Field Church (above) has changed to reach a changing population and generation. Much change in church today has been brought about by the “outside forces” of COVID.

As I reflect on the thought that “Things are just not the same,” I am aware that such feelings can be self-centred. Perhaps I am thinking that things are no longer the  I want them to be?

Faced with current requirements for social distancing, mask wearing and other COVID protocols, we may find ourselves longing for things as they were in March 2020. Things are just not the same! In addition, many of our friends have not returned to live services. Some choose to “attend” the service online. For some, this is for health concerns. For others, it is convenient and has become a matter of preference. For others – well, where are they, anyway??? Whatever happened to so and so?

As we as District Superintendents meet together with our Executive Director and Director of National Mission as a Church Vitality Committee, we have been conferring with EFCC Leadership Catalyst, Terry Kaufman about measures of church health and vitality. In reviewing these measures, my observation is that many of these date to the 1980’s and 1990’s, and that there are very few created since 2000. My hunch is that this has something to do with “911” – when we learned that “preferred option” is a more realistic term to use when planning than simply “goals” and “objectives.”

Currently, as we wade through this prolonged mire of COVID, we are caused to pause and reflect on our terms, our assumptions and our measures again. What does a healthy church look like in 2021? What will it look like in 2025? In 2030 and beyond?

Obviously, there is much that we cannot predict, but what are we observing today? What are we seeing? What are we willing to see?

In short, if we are hoping for a return to something like March 2020, we will be disappointed. The world has changed. The church has changed. Change and trends that were already happening in the church have been accelerated by the pandemic, and we will not “go back” to what we once knew. Things are just not the same…

We can no longer measure a church simply by its attendance, building, budget or leader. Many of the “mega-church” pastors others have sought to emulate in North America have “disqualified” themselves in recent years, and have been “dropped” from the speaking circuit. The organized church has “taken a hit” when it’s actions with Residential Schools have been revealed, and this has been compounded by their reluctance to truly apologize and reconcile with sincerity.

A better measure is the “impact” of a church on those who attend and in the community in which they are a part. Are disciples being made? Are these disciples living in obedience to Christ, grounded in the Word and a positive witness to their community?  As was said of the Church in Jerusalem, They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:46,47).

Perhaps, “Things are just not the same…” is a good thing!

Here are a couple of articles for your reflection:

First, Carey Nieuwhof challenges churches to build on who they have, rather than on those who have gone in his article:“WHY THEY’RE NOT COMING BACK TO CHURCH (AND WHAT TO DO WITH WHO’S LEFT).” It is a good read and gives good council on moving forward:

The second article is from Lifeway Research and is titled,  “Loving Your Neighbor and Neighborhood More Vital Than Ever.” Writer, Tobin Perry concludes,

“When the mission becomes alive and active in the life of men and women who profess Jesus as Lord, then the proclamation of Jesus as the only Lord and Savior becomes plausible,” Stetzer said. “Most of us have experienced great service at a restaurant. Think about Christian service as preparing the table to receive the most incredible meal they have ever experienced—that being the good news of Jesus.”

Here is the link:  loving-your-neighbor-and-neighborhood-more-vital-than-ever



The BC Centre for Disease Control and BC Ministry of Health continue to state that:


“Worship services are exempt from both the provincial mask mandate that requires mask use in indoor public spaces and the requirement to provide proof of immunization against COVID-19 to access some events, services and businesses. However, faith leaders are supported to implement these additional measures in their in-person services should they desire to do so.”


Here is the full document:


While we will welcome all who attend, please be both considerate and mindful of those who are either compromised and/or specially cautious regarding COVID. Wearing a mask can be an act of servanthood to brothers and sisters who feel vulnerable to COVID.


For current information, please visit our LPD Website under the COVID-19 Safety Tab:   Thanks to Josephine for keeping us up to date!

Important News regarding the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and  the Canadian Recovery Hiring Program (CHRP).
The Federal Government announced that the CEWS Program would end on October 23.

Here is a quick summary:

  1. CEWS ended on Oct 23rd.
  2. CRHP(Canadian Recovery Hiring Program) will continue at this time with a small increase in funds available

For personal assistance, please contact Josephine at our district office.




Upcoming LPD Events:


Dessert Night for Pastors and Their Spouses
– for mainland pastors and spouses

Friday, December 3 at Johnston Heights Church in Surrey.
(Islanders meet up on November 16)

Throughout COVID, we have all had to limit our contact with others. Please plan to join us for an evening of fellowship with colleagues in ministry.

Please watch for the online sign-up in mid- November.




LPD Annual Conference


March 4,5 2021

– at Mill Lake Church in Abbotsford


please mark your calendars – details will follow

Address: 9612 152nd Street
Surrey BC V3R 4G4
Office Hours: Monday to Wednesday 9 - 3 pm
We are a district of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada –
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